Tuesday 7 June 2011

Garden Wedding?

I have spent the last few days at my parents house in Sweden and it's been heaven. The summer is truly showing it's best side with blue skies and 30 degree heat. I feel so much happier and calmer. People actually walk slowly here, you'd never see that in London. There is always somewhere to hurry to, something to do. Millions of people rushing through their lives. It is so freeing to come here and just breath. There are alot of things I will miss when we move from London, but I feel we have definitely made the right choice.

As soon as I came here, sitting on the back porch, looking over the well groomed garden, I started to dress it for our wedding. In my mind I could see where the party tent could be and the dancefloor. The trees got covered in fairy lights and buntings. Children who got bored could easily pop next door to the playground. My parents garden is bigger than I remembered and as the hedges has grown a lot in the five years I have lived away, the insight by passerbys and neighbours are very limited. The buffet could be served on the porch, eaten in the party tent. It could be amazing. I spoke to my mom and she would mind us holding our wedding there. Obviously it will depend on the number if people we'd want to invite. But for a small-medium small wedding it would be great. And no venue fee means we would save a lot if money or be able to spend that money on something else like my dress, the food or decorations.

I was right. Coming here really has sparked my wedding planning interested again.

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