Tuesday 8 March 2011

Dessert Buffet

When it comes to the food at our wedding, we have always been keen on the idea of a buffet. It forced people to mingle and you will be likely to cater for most peoples tastes. I have always enjoyed a good buffet and it seems very us. Until yesterday I had only pictured the main meal served this way. David however, put forward the idea of having a wedding dessert buffet, to follow the main meal one. The more I think about this idea the more it intrigues me. I have always said I don't want a traditional wedding cake as I'm not very keen on the taste and they cost a small fortune. So this might be an exciting option.

If we end up doing the food ourselves we need to be very clever with the desserts. The ones we pick have to be able to be made in advance. Preferable frozen if possible. Or refrigerated the day before. We also need to think about when the dessert table is going to be dressed and by who. We can't have all the dessert standing around during the entire main course. But none of the guests should have to get up and leave the celebrations to sort out the desserts. And I'm not about to get up in my big white dress and set up cakes and desserts that might spoil it. My thought is that we would have to look into hiring waiters/waitresses/food attendants. Maybe from the local restaurant college? Just to make sure the food is brought out/put away on time. Additionally they could make sure peoples glasses aren't empty.

If we do decide on this option we definitely have to look into a venue which allows you to do your own decorating as well as bringing your own food and drinks. It would most certainly rule out the venue I wrote about yesterday. It's quite common in Sweden for people to get married in less posh venues and take care of most things regarding the wedding themselves. It certainly would keep the costs down, or at least redistribute them from the venue hiring to the food and decorations.

It's a lot to think about. Instinctively I like the idea of buffets, both for our main and for the dessert. I just don't want to end up super stressed the day before our wedding because we haven't made all the dishes yet. I'm pretty sure my family wouldn't mind helping with the food, but there is still the element of stress, which we wouldn't get with catering. Hmm... a lot to think about.

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